Category: Racing News

  • The new Silverstone…

    The new Silverstone…

      Spent the morning at MK working on an event I can’t talk about (oops!). In the afternoon I went up to a very wet Silverstone to take the Radical out. Adrian Reynard was in the Garage next door, he has just bought a Radical. I went up to Silverstone to check out the new…

  • Lads, I’ve got a great idea….

    Lads, I’ve got a great idea….

    Let’s go ahead and build a Formula Renault race team from scratch. Sometimes, I’m a glutton for punishment. It’s not as if the Daytona Engineering Team wasn’t already busy but when I pitched the idea at Andrew Luck, our Head of Engineering at Milton Keynes, he seemed pretty keen. Andrew has a huge amount of…